Discriminating against or harassing any County employee, applicant, agent, contractor, or volunteer based on any protected characteristic is prohibited. Protected characteristics include:
Discrimination is taking an employment action, making an employment decision, and/or treating an employee or applicant differently based on the individual's protected characteristic or status.
Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a verbal, visual, or physical nature that is based on a protected characteristic or status and unreasonably interferes with the individual's ability to do his or her job. Additionally, discrimination or harassment that is based on the perception that an individual holds one of the above-mentioned protected characteristics/statuses or is based on an individual's association with a protected characteristic/status is prohibited.
Retaliation is when an individual suffers adverse action in response to making a claim of, participating in the investigation of, or opposing discrimination or harassment.
Any individual who believes that he or she has been subjected to, has been affected by, or is aware of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in a County work situation should immediately report such action or incident.
To File A Complaint:
Complete an Online Complaint Form, or a hardcopy MS Word Complaint Form, as thoroughly and accurately as possible. Verbal complaints are also accepted; however, written is preferred.
If using the hardcopy form, submit by email, mail, fax or in person to any of the following:
A supervisor or manager
Department Of Personnel Services, Human Resource (HR) Services at 9310 Tech Center Way Sacramento, CA 95826
Equal Employment Opportunity Office (916) 874-7148 or EEOOffice@SacCounty.gov
Your concerns will be forwarded to and reviewed by the EEO Office. An investigator will be assigned who will contact you to schedule an intake interview to clarify issues involved. You can also view our Complaint FAQs. If the complaint is not based on one of the protected characteristics listed above, workplace violence, or a County policy violation, your concerns will be forwarded to the appropriate department supervisor/manager to address.
A complaint of employment discrimination may also be filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the California Civil Rights Department (formerly DFEH). Contact these agencies for filing requirements and deadlines.
Revised June 2021